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How to overcome overwhelm and fix time management problems

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and you’re not getting the results you want then you probably don’t have time for a time management course. What you need is a just-in-time time management miracle. This is what you need to do…

Problem diagnosis

The solution you need is simple but deceptive. You need to diagnose the problem and put an appropriate solution in place. However, if you understood the problem and had a solution you would have implemented it already. The problem with problems is that they don’t have obvious solutions. The real problem is understanding the real reason for the problem or going back to what engineers call the root cause. You need to start by identifying the root cause of your problem. Once you understand how to diagnose the root cause, then you can start applying just-in-time solutions. Just-in-time (JIT) solutions take advantage of the Pareto principle by solving 80% of the effects of your problem by focusing on the 20% of causes, which are usually the root causes.

You need structure to be able to identify what’s missing

Imagine if you had a logically structured jigsaw puzzle of all the time management and productivity skills and techniques in it, which enabled you to find any missing pieces. This would empower you to find your problem area and apply a just-in-time learning solution. Well, you’re in luck, I’ve developed one for you. It is structured in the format of the periodic table of chemical elements, which makes it easy to navigate. I call it the Technology Independent Period Table of Productivity Systems or TIPTOPS.

TIPTOPS is structured in groups of time management and productivity themes. TIPTOPS also takes a technology-independent approach to time management and productivity skills so that you don’t get confused and overwhelmed by the dozens of apps and online tools that are available.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

The quickest way to identify the missing puzzle piece in your time management and productivity skill set is to have a 1-hour root-cause analysis (RCA) meeting with me. During this RCA meeting, I will use the TIPTOPS framework to help you identify the biggest issue you need to focus on so that you can solve your time management and productivity problems.

Once you know what the problem area is you will be able to do some targeted micro-training and stop feeling overwhelmed, start getting the results you want and claw some time back for all the other things that are also important to you.

One hour to analyse your situation

If you’d like to know if TIPTOPS can help you, let’s have a quick discovery call and check if a 45-minute root cause analysis would work for you.

“The problem with problems is that they don’t have obvious solutions” – Brett Dawson

By Brett Dawson
I help professionals get through difficult transitions. It's all about change and transformation processes - everything from chemical engineering all the way through to change management and personal leadership.


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